Maintenance in NC

  • Sunday, 11th April, 2021
  • 08:18am

We are running a scheduled network maintenance in NC. 


Maintenance Window: April 11, 2021

Start Time: 00:01 EDT

End Time:  06:00 EDT


Services Affected: Network

Service Location(s): 801 Main St. N.W., Lenoir NC

Expected Impact: Multiple network outages of up to 3 hours total in duration, multiple routing reconvergence events


Details: Pursuant to the scheduled maintenance that occurred on March 21st, our Network Team will troubleshoot and remediate any unresolved issues that were discovered, as well as complete software upgrades and configuration changes to provider edge and core routers in order to facilitate the availability of new services and optimize our network topology. During this time, you may experience multiple network outages with a cumulative outage time of up to 3 hours, as well as routing reconvergence events. We will endeavour to minimize the impact to clients, however we anticipate downtime for clients as we work through issues encountered during the previous maintenance activity.

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